Nine Stats You Probably Didn’t Know about Twitter

Nine Stats You Probably Didn’t Know about Twitter

Hubspot recently published an article, revealing nine key insights for businesses into what works (and doesn’t) on Twitter. Here’s what they found.

  1. Tweets that contain images are 34% more likely to get retweeted.
  2. Tweets with a URL placed in the middle of the tweet are 26% more likely to get retweeted than those with a URL at the beginning or end. 
  3. Tweets that include hashtags are 33% more likely to get retweeted than tweets without hashtags. 
  4. Hashtags with 11 or more characters get 117% more retweets than hashtags within 6 and 10 characters. 
  5. Tweets from businesses with one hashtag are 69% more likely to get retweets than those with two hashtags.  
  6. Direct message campaigns get on average a 300% higher click rate than one-off email campaigns. 
  7. 90% of Twitter users who engage with Twitter-based marketing campaigns will not follow the company on Twitter after the campaign interaction. 
  8. Businesses will on average lose 15% of new Twitter followers within three weeks unless they make an effort to engage early. 
  9. Over half (57%) of businesses are spending at least 50% more on Twitter marketing compared with two years ago, with 15% of respondents stating that their spending has tripled. 

Whether you knew some of these statistics or none of them at all, the key takeaway here is that it isn’t all about the quantity of your content but the quality of information that you’re sharing. Think careful before posting and ask yourself, “Who is my audience and what interests them?” By keeping these insights in mind, your business can produce more thoughtful content that will help you engage and retain your followers.

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Posted By Ginny Talley

Ginny is an avid Netflix binge-watcher, Snapple cap collector and celebrity aficionado. From big adventures to weekend getaways, she's always on the go. When she's not traveling, you can find Ginny stomping her boots at country music concerts or cheering on her beloved Tar Heels.