Do you ever feel like the holidays creep up on us earlier and earlier each year? With some stores already opening the holiday décor floodgates, don’t let yourself drown in the Grinch spirit just yet…your public relations (PR) team has your back and will have your team and target audiences standing in a circle singing “Welcome, Christmas” in no time.

  1. Present your assets and budget.

    Now’s the time to gather the tools available for your holiday campaign – from budget to marketing assets to third-party resources – to set the basis for a campaign brainstorm.

    One perk of a holiday campaign can be knowing you’re at the end of the year and can use your remaining year’s budget without much hesitation. There’s also the opportunity to leverage the many assets already created throughout the year for the numerous campaigns having already taken place. You’ve also worked toward the company’s goals and objectives for 2017 all year, so you can rest easy knowing your PR team is well-equipped to make it rain snowflakes on your target audiences.

    Spreading some holiday cheer of transparency will ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to expectations and goals.


  2. Group Brainstorm.

    Just like Santa’s elves can’t get everything prepared without having the “Naughty and Nice list,” make sure you’re transparent with your PR team about any opportunities, ideas and creative connections you can bring to the table. Bringing these items to a group brainstorm, at one of your “workshops,” will only help to carry the holiday spirit to fruition.

    If you find it hard to get in the holiday mindset and spirit this early in the year, consider encouraging meeting attendees to wear their festive holiday gear to the brainstorm. As the ideas and creativity begin to flow, eventually boiling down to one master campaign theme, you’re guaranteed to come up with the perfect recipe to success.


  3. Package your best idea and/or asset into a campaign.

    Whether it’s an event, product, service or stunt, in one way or another you already know what your target audience is interested in and wants – which makes the collective team’s job easier once the campaign is identified. Regardless of activating a media relations or social media campaign, you can count on your PR team to leverage previously engaged influencers and eye-catching digital assets that will get the conversations flowing among your key audiences. Just like your holiday meal, your PR team will serve your campaign up hot, fresh and all together in perfect harmony.


  4. Tie the bow on a great year.

    Do you hear that noise in the distance? It’s jingle bells of success and results flying into a detailed report nearest you. Once your campaign is over, you can anticipate your PR team to send you a polished report based on your previously discussed expectations. Once this slides down your email chimney and is dispersed to your email tree of teams that need to see the report, your heart will grow three sizes knowing you’re that much closer to enjoying delicious holiday meals.



So, in a world full of Grinches, be your team’s Cindy Lou Hoo by bringing your team members together early and often to align on your perfect holiday campaign. After all, it’s the most wonderful time of the year – so let’s make sure to make it just that by sprinkling on some great results. Contact us to get started on your holiday campaign.

Hope Torruella image

Posted By Hope Torruella

Hope is known by her friends and family as being a Harry Potter know-it-all. When she’s not catching Freeform’s HP Marathon Weekend, you can catch her snuggling next to her Labrador hound-mix, Baylee, obsessing over animal videos or cheering on the East Carolina University Pirates (ARGH!).