How to Get your Speaking Abstract Accepted

How to Get your Speaking Abstract Accepted

Speaking at industry events and trade shows is an excellent way to strengthen your company’s brand while building your reputation as a thought leader. But how do you get in? Here are a few tips for getting your speaking abstract accepted at the next big trade show.

  1. Start Early – Like, Really Early. Every event is different, but the bigger the trade show, the earlier you should expect to submit your abstract, sometimes as much as a year in advance. Check the event website for the submission deadline and mark your calendar to be sure you don’t miss it.
  2. Educate, Don’t Sell. Trade show booths offer many great opportunities to talk to perspective customers about your products and services. Trade show talks, not so much. Focus your talk on an industry trend or discuss how you’ve overcome certain challenges. Your product will naturally come up over the course of your presentation, but it shouldn’t be the main topic of your abstract. Focus on actionable advice and describe how you’ll back it up with your industry experience.
  3. Make Some Noise. Whether or not your topic is controversial, taking a position in your abstract will help it stand out. Think green is the new pink? Say it. Do you have a different opinion on the trajectory of your industry? Make your case. Want to discuss an overused buzzword? Call it out, and then explain it.

Once you’ve selected a topic and developed a killer educational abstract, send it off and keep your eye out for feedback from the event!

Need help? Enlist the Largemouth team to help craft your submission. Contact us today!