How Listening to Music Can Increase Work Productivity

How Listening to Music Can Increase Work Productivity

We all have different methods for tuning out office commotion and ambient noise when it’s time to be productive. For many, the solution is to plug in headphones, open Spotify and jump into your favorite playlist to find your zone. But can listening to music actually contribute to your productivity at work?

Regardless of the task at hand, most people produce their best work when they are in a positive state of mind. Music can have this effect on the listener by providing an escape from outside stresses that could otherwise distract somebody who needs to focus on a particular project.

According to a study from Dr. Teresa Lesiuk at the University of Miami, listening to music can greatly improve one’s ability to complete projects in a timely manner, while also encouraging creative thinking – all a result of the person’s positive mood. In an interview with The New York Times, Lesiuk explained how a positive mindset can open up creative thought processes. “When you’re stressed, you might make a decision more hastily; you have a very narrow focus of attention,” she said. “When you’re in a positive mood, you’re able to take in more options.”

For many, listening to familiar music – regardless of the genre – is the best way to improve your mood and limit distractions while working. For example, if you are listening to an album for the first time, you may find yourself focusing entirely on the lyrics of a song or subconsciously memorizing new melodies, which can be distracting enough to keep you from getting your work done. This is why many people find the best results when listening to familiar music, or even choosing to listen to songs that don’t have lyrics at all.

While listening to music at work isn’t for everyone, it can be helpful for many people to block out distractions and enter a positive mindset. Whether you’re listening throughout the day or for only a half-hour to regain your focus, music can be the catalyst you need to produce at a high level.

And if you’re in need of some song suggestions, here are a few of my favorites:

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Posted By Greyson Feurer

Those who know Greyson well can tell you that his favorite movie is “The Shawshank Redemption,” he prefers dogs to cats and he has an unhealthy addiction to Zaxby’s. However, his two greatest passions are unquestionably sports and music. In his free time, you will most likely find Greyson on a nearby soccer field, cheering on NC State or learning a new song on guitar.