Four Ways to Enjoy a Post-Election Facebook

Four Ways to Enjoy a Post-Election Facebook

Nearly two years after it began, the tumultuous 2016 election is over. As we all take a collective sigh, we consider what this means for our social media platforms. Just think about how much easier it will be to scroll through your news feed without political ads, memes about either candidate or commentary from friends and acquaintances. How best to adjust to this new reality? Here are a few tips:

  • Return to what really matters: Clickbait videos of terribly unhealthy meals being prepared. You know you love it. What would the world be without cheesecake stuffed apples or garlic parmesan mac and cheese?
  • No longer struggle with unfriending people over politics: Struggle with whether or not to unfriend them because of their terrible grammar. We’re never all going to agree on who to vote for, but surely we can agree that the Oxford comma is a critical piece of punctuation… right?
  • Focus on discussing the real issues: Why is it so cold outside? What’s the point of turning the clocks back? Which of these kittens is cuter? These very important thought starters have been lost in a haze of discussions about foreign policy and the economy.
  • Make room for posts you actually care about: ICYMI, it’s almost engagement season (again)! Wouldn’t you hate to miss out on which of your friends will be tying the knot in the next 8-24 months?

The 2020 election cycle will be kicking off any day now, so get out there and enjoy post-election Facebook while you can!