Crafting an Effective Message

Crafting an Effective Message

Do you have a story or message you want to share with a targeted audience? Here at Largemouth, we understand the importance of being champion content strategists for our clients.

Based on a few recent articles, we’ve pulled together a step-by-step guide of tips and best practices for creating such persuasive, interesting and innovative messages that meet clients’ needs and work to engage targeted audiences.

The HeadlinePR Daily lays out the importance of crafting the perfect headline for your content. Whether it’s a pitch or contributed editorial article, the headline should entice the reader to keep reading. You can do this by following these simple steps:

  • Make a logical connection, not a witty remark
    • Create a headline that complements your content and piques interest; avoid using a headline just because it’s clever
  • Make it short enough to tweet, but long enough to get the point across
  • Don’t be shy, share your ideas
    • Bounce headline ideas off of coworkers, friends or anyone that will provide honest feedback
  • There is no shame in going back to the drawing board
    • If you’re story is not receiving the attention you desire, rework the headline

The MessagePR Daily also provides insight into what makes a message stick. From writing social media content to developing news releases, the below tips will help you get your point across:

  • Lather, rinse and repeat
    • Don’t be afraid to repeat your argument or point to the audience; this will help make an impact in your audience’s memory
  • Act natural
    • Avoid “fancy words” that aren’t used in day-to-day language
      • Ex. “solid slate barrier access controls” vs. “doorknobs”
    • Try to eliminate “mumblespeak” from your messages
      • Ex. “physical transformation to optimize the sensory experience” vs.“hospital’s new emergency department”
  • Always, always remember the audience
    • Include why your message matters for the audience; this is what will bring audience members in and keep them reading

Audience Engagement – Finally, Ad Week discusses the importance of providing visual content in order to achieve greater audience engagement. The following suggestions are examples of how to make your content more captivating:

  • Who doesn’t love a picture?
    • Providing graphics that represent data or visual support is key to showing, instead of telling, readers why they are investing time in your content
  • Always bring something to the party
    • Offer a tangible deliverable
      • Ex. If you read this blog post, your messages will receive more attention and therefore, will be more effective.
  • What’s next?
    • Give your audience something to do once they are finished reading your content
      • Ex. Follow us on social media, share the article and use a hashtag, visit a website, go to an event

By following these steps PR professionals can better develop content that is more clear, concise and relevant so that clients’ messages prove to be as effective as possible.

Victoria Moore image

Posted By Victoria Moore

Victoria is a Raleigh native and student at NC State University. When she’s not studying or teaching dance, you can find her watching Netflix crime dramas, playing with her dog, Rocco, out on a shopping spree or getting coffee at any local coffee shop.