When cleaning out your closet, tidying expert Marie Kondo recommends holding an item up and asking yourself if it “sparks joy.” Now that spring has arrived, it’s the perfect time for marketing teams to hit pause for a moment and look at current PR and marketing initiatives with a fresh set of eyes. Are you clinging to the memory of a cover story that was secured years ago? Can you breathe new life into an annual initiative, or is it time to let it go?

Here are a few questions to ask before you continue building on a recurring campaign or replaying old strategies to achieve your current media relations objectives. 

  1. Have we done this before?
    Expanding on successful annual campaigns or previous initiatives can be useful in attracting media attention as reporters become more and more familiar with it as time progresses. However, to keep things newsworthy, it’s important to consider fresh storytelling angles and demonstrate momentum. For example, if you are promoting an annual fundraising drive, can you expand on the announcement in an interesting way by developing an infographic that displays how funds were used in the past year? 


  2. Who would care about it?
    It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement surrounding a campaign, particularly if it involves a significant company milestone. The internal frenzy can make it easy to lose perspective on what will resonate outside the walls of your company – with reporters, and with the broader public. That’s where PR teams can help! We know how to analyze what trends media are covering, and how to take a step back and figure out how your company’s news fits into the big picture. For example, IT trade media might not be interested in covering the latest upgrades to your software product, but perhaps they want to hear your CEO’s unique take on the latest trends in cybersecurity (with a strategically placed mention of your new product). 


  3. Are we a trusted source on this topic?
    It’s not just about the story, it’s also about the storytellers. Reporters rely on experts as sources for their stories, so it’s important to continuously identify new executives, partners or customers who can provide credible, timely analysis and industry context surrounding topics that relate to your brand. Tapping new subject matter experts can also help bring new life to campaigns you might be running on a cyclable basis. Consider creating a ‘bench’ of experts now, so that no matter what you are announcing, you can tap the right person for media opportunities. 


The next time your team asks you to promote a new product launch, service or event, remember that you’ll need more than a press release to be successful. Contact us today to talk through your upcoming marketing initiatives. We’ll ask the tough questions and create the right media relations strategy to help you reach your goals!

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Posted By Julie Colman

If she’s not enjoying a glass of red wine and listening to NPR, Julie is probably harmonizing with the radio or playing tennis. She loves to travel – especially if she can relax and enjoy a juicy “whodunit” novel.